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Physician Whistleblower Protection | Please Sign Petition →

Read the last words of whistleblower, Jacob Neufeld, M.D., M.P.H.

Sign Physician Whistleblower Protection Petition

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13 Tips for Confidential Mental Health Help →

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Physician Peer Support (Sundays) | Confidential Help for Doctors →

Physician Peer Support (2 pm ET) ~ Suffering from imposter syndrome, savior complex, retaliation, bullying, betrayal, exhaustion, workaholism, medical mistakes, perfectionism, grief, guilt, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts? (1.5 hours). Register here.

Doctor Suicide Dream Team (4 pm ET) ~INSPIRING training on (hidden) reasons docs die by suicide &

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Healing from medicine’s culture of betrayal →

Read transcript here.

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Creating a Culture of Wellness (Keynote) →

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Why “happy” doctors die by suicide (& how to stop them) →

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Beloved doctor dies in “physician health program.” Husband wants to know why. →

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Wible interview on doctor suicide crisis →

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Oklahoma physician suicides—13 reasons why →

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1103 physician suicide & 13 reasons why →

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Eulogy for 10,000 doctor suicides →

Read full transcript and view photoessay here . . .

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Keynote: 33 orthopaedic surgeon suicides. How to prevent #34. →

Orthopaedic surgeon suicides

Read full transcript and view all slides here . . .

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June 1 is “Doctor Suicide Crazy Socks Day” →

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Suicide keynote gets standing ovation at AMSA →

WibleQuoteAMSA copy

Read full transcript & view video here . . .

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Medical school manslaughter? →

Medical Student Manslaughter

Michelle Carter has just been convicted of manslaughter for encouraging Conrad Roy to complete suicide in 2014. “Hang yourself, jump off a building, stab yourself,” she said.  Michele was 17 at the time. So what should happen to medical school professors who use the same words,

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